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Top rated juicer reviews 2013 

So many different juicers can be bought by us these days, making it very hard to choose one. That is why how to find the most popular juicers is complicated to a point, but then you have to read the best juicers reviews 2013 and you can reach a final decision which will bring one of these machines in your kitchen. A possible candidate for this role is the tiny and reliable Hamilton Beach Big Mouth Juice Extractor. Don`t let the size fool you there is more to it than meets the eye.

First of all it is powered by a 800 watt motor that has no problem crushing any fruit or vegetables. Even the toughest ones don`t stand a chance againsed it. This means you will be able to get all those important vitamins which are essential for your good health. You don`t need to cut or slice the produce before you put them into the Hamilton Beach, because it comes with a large 3 inch chute which is able to take them at full size. No more extra effort for preparing the fruit, just stuff it inside and it is ready to have the juice squeezed out of it. By far its best feature is without a doubt the incredible low price. While most juicers have prices of well over 100$ this one comes at deals between 60$ and 80$ and has the same features as its more expensive competitors. We can trully say the these are cheap prices for juicers.

The cutters are made from top quality stainelss steel so they are very durable and can cut through anything you throw at them. It is easy to assemble and to disassemble the removable parts, so you can wash them fast and then don`t lose any time putting them back togheter. All these parts are dish washer safe requiring no effort what so ever to clean. For hand washing, if that is what you prefer, you get with the juicer a specialized brush with micro-soft bristles. Top rated juicer reviews 2013 have underlined the fact that the Hamilton Beach has one of the best quality to price ratios of any juicer of this class.

The pulp is transferred to an extra large bin, giving you the opportunity in the process to keep on juicing for longer periods. You won`t have to stop at some point, empty the bin and then start again. You also get an intresting recipe book to make the best natural drinks possible. The bottom line from my point of view is that the Hamilton Beach is a great juicer to have in your kitchen, because it has many amazing features and comes at a remercable low price which beats all competition.